How to grow by pivoting and reinterpreting results

Join Dr. Ryan as he reflects on the recent launch of Charting Mastery, how to reinterpret results, and continue moving forward! If you are interested in getting 1:1 coaching with Dr. Ryan, sign up for a discovery call TODAY!  During this episode you will learn...

3 Keys To Finish Your Charting At Work

Weighed down by your charting? Too many papers that continue to pile up? Worried about missing important life events because you have to stay late charting? I’m Dr. Ryan Stegink, a physician who faced the same challenges you do until I discovered the three keys...

Generating self-confidence leads to growth

Join me in reflecting on self-confidence vs. confidence, the benefits of stepping outside my comfort zone, taking that next step and growing! If you are looking to “Finish Your Charting At Work”, join me for a free webinar 11/2 at 9 PM EDT to get the 3...

How to focus and thrive in medicine with ADHD with Dr. Diana Mercado

Dr. Diana Mercado-Marmarosh joins the podcast and discusses how she was able to overcome charting challenges and unfinished projects by understanding her ADHD and pivoting to use it as superpower to help herself and others. During this episode you will learn about;...